GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA – Orthodontic valuation and practice transition services company Bentson Clark & Copple, LLC recently released their 7th annual orthodontic practice valuation review in their quarterly newsletter, the Bentson Clark reSource.
The review analyzes data from 25 orthodontic practice valuations performed in 2011. The data includes net collections, practice income, overhead rate, practice value and number of locations for each respective practice. The data analyzed was completed in accordance with the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts’ Professional Standards, says Laura Overcash, Director of Marketing. This annual review of practice valuations can be used as a benchmarking tool for current orthodontic practice owners in regards to practice overhead, fair market value and current net collections. The analysis notes that many other factors must be recognized and considered to provide a complete understanding of the value of orthodontic practices for sale. The orthodontics practice valuation review compares the average single office practice values to multi-location practice values. As in previous reviews, a material variance in collections between single-office and multi-location practices exists.
Overhead rates for all practices analyzed ranged from 35.5 percent to 67.1 percent of collections. The overhead rates analyzed in the review do not include any doctor-related compensation or non-practice related expenses such as perquisites to the doctor owner.
More trends and interesting findings were available mid-February to subscribers of the first quarter issue of Bentson Clark reSource for $95 a year. To subscribe, visit or call 1-800-621-4664.
Learn More To learn more about buying or selling an orthodontic practice, subscribe to the Bentson Clark resource newsletter, an orthodontic newsletter or to schedule a free 30 minute consultation visit or call (800) 621- 4664.
Bentson Clark & Copple is committed to providing orthodontists with the tools needed to run a successful business, from the first day of practice until the last day. As an orthodontics transition services company their services include practice valuation, partner location services, and transition negotiations.
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