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Five Reason to Participate in the Annual Resident Survey

Bentson_Copple_Annual_Orthodontic_Resident_SurveyBy: Laura Overcash
Director of Marketing

Over the last eight years, our company has conducted a nationwide survey of orthodontic residents to collect, compile, and analyze useful data about orthodontics in the United States. We are currently collecting responses from orthodontic residents and we encourage you to click on this link and participate in this vital survey.

It may sound like just another survey but it’s more than just a data collection tool – the Annual Orthodontic Resident Survey is a critical tool to understanding and predicting future trends in the industry. Still not convinced the survey is worth your time? Here are five reasons to participate.

Offer Insights
Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, so we need help in understanding today’s resident journey. The survey’s primary objective is to provide its participants and those within the orthodontic industry with relevant, accurate, and useful data. The variety of questions asked helps gauge residents’ plans and how it will affect the overall orthodontic industry. We believe that understanding resident sentiment is important since this group of young doctors and the decisions they make will have a great impact on the profession going forward.

Minimal Time Commitment 
Feedback Habits Survey reports that 45% of survey respondents aren’t willing to spend more than five minutes completing a survey. You are in luck with our Resident Survey – our team understands the time constraints you have while enrolled in your program. This short survey should only take three minutes to complete and then you can get back to what’s important, honing the art of creating beautiful smiles and building patient confidence.

Participate Anytime 
It’s no secret we are all programmed differently when it comes to productivity. Some are early birds while others are night owls, some love schedules and others fly by the seat of their pants – whatever the case may be, the Resident Survey can be taken at your convenience. Take it online while drinking your morning Caramel Macchiato, waiting on your DoorDash lunch delivery, or after binging your favorite show on Netflix after midnight.

Be Part of a Legacy 
During the last eight years, the Annual Orthodontic Resident Survey has received more than 3,025 responses. This survey provides insight into some of the major issues residents face today, from income expectations to student debt loads. Doctors nearing retirement age commonly ask us about residents and their anticipated plans. The data collected in this survey, along with other industry publications, help create a well-rounded picture of the industry to share with all orthodontists. Being able to compare and contrast this information with the previous years of gathered data from this survey will, hopefully, allow current residents and doctors nearing retirement to gain knowledge and make wise decisions regarding their future.

Responses Remain Confidential 
The answers provided in the Annual Orthodontic Resident Survey remain completely confidential. We want your honest feedback when it comes to the amount of student debt you are accruing, your preparedness to operate a practice, and your expectations for first-year annual income.

Be sure to tell us about your future orthodontic career plans by participating in the Annual Orthodontic Resident Survey (if you have not already). So, give us your feedback; we want to know what you think. Help us help you and take the survey now!

Time for GORP 2015

The 2015 Graduate Orthodontic Residents Program (GORP) is quickly approaching and we are excited about attending this year’s event (July 30–August 2, 2015).

Plan to stop by our table and enter to win an Apple Watch by participating in Bentson Clark & Copple’s 2015 Annual Resident Survey. A QR code will be displayed at the booth, providing easy online access to the survey. If running short on time at the event, pick up a postcard with the QR code and submit your answers to the survey at your convenience. Please note that the survey must be completed by August 7, 2015 to be eligible to win.

Even though we are only giving away one Apple Watch, everyone is a winner at GORP! As a thank you for participating in the annual survey, each doctor will receive a complimentary electronic subscription to the Bentson Clark reSource newsletter for the remainder of his/her residency.

In addition, Shannon Patterson, our Director of Practice Opportunities & Executive Recruiting, will be on hand to speak with you regarding purchasing an orthodontic practice, seeking an associateship position or entering into an employment situation. She can register you in our database of practice opportunities, which allows us to provide potential opportunity matches as they come to light, based on your specific geographic preferences and future ownership desires.

Reaching Your Goals at GORP 2014

GORP 2014One of our favorite events each year is the Graduate Orthodontic Residents Program (GORP), which is right around the corner (July 31–August 3). Our bags are packed, our flight has been confirmed and we are ready to exhibit on the campus of the University of Michigan.

Want to win a Nike Fitbit at the event?!  We will be holding a special soccer-themed contest at our booth. Stop by our table and learn how to enter.

In addition, Shannon Patterson, our Director of Practice Opportunities & Executive Recruiting, will be on hand to speak with you regarding purchasing an orthodontic practice, seeking an associateship position or entering into an employment situation. She can register you in our database of practice opportunities, which allows us to provide potential opportunity matches as they come to light, based on your specific geographic preferences and future ownership desires.

Each resident is also encouraged to contribute to Bentson Clark & Copple’s 2014 Annual Resident Survey. A QR code will be displayed at the booth, which allows easy online access to the survey. Paper copies of the survey will also be available at our exhibit booth, so be sure to stop by.

Bentson Clark & Copple Traveling to GORP 2013

Bentson Clark & Copple will be arriving on the campus of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill just in time for GORP 2013.

Our table will be located in the exhibit hall during GORP. Please plan to stop by and say hello. We would love to speak with you regarding purchasing an orthodontic practice or locating an associateship position. Shannon Patterson, our Director of Practice Opportunities & Executive Recruiting, will be on hand to register you in our database of practice opportunities. We will be able to supply you with potential opportunity matches as they come to light, based on your specific geographic preferences and future ownership desires.

This year we invite you to participate in our Instagram contest for a chance to win a Mystery Prize, valued at over $2,800. We would like to also encourage every resident to contribute to Bentson Clark & Copple’s 2013 Annual Resident Survey. We will have paper copies of the survey available or you can scan the QR code displayed at our table to participate online.

GORP was started in 1989 as a means of bringing the orthodontists of the future together for a summer meeting, creating an environment to foster professional growth and interpersonal relationships among colleagues and representatives of the orthodontic industry. Over the past 24 years, the meeting has grown to an event that involves around 500 orthodontic residents from the United States and Canada.This program/meeting is unique in that it is the first annual conference to bring together residents in a dental or medical specialty program. The meeting is sponsored by donations from orthodontic exhibitors, the American Board of Orthodontics and its constituent associations and American Association of Orthodontists Foundation.

Bentson Clark & Copple’s Resident Survey

We spend a lot of time and effort working with today’s orthodontic residents. We visit their residency programs, attend events solely catered towards the resident community and participate in resident-only webinars and presentation opportunities. We spend numerous hours speaking with them as they search for an orthodontic practice to purchase and/or employment opportunities. We are focused on actively working with and providing as much information as possible to them to help them make educated decisions about their future. This group of young professionals will ultimately shape the future of the orthodontic industry.

As part of our commitment to providing relevant, accurate and useful data to the orthodontic community, each year Bentson Clark & Copple conducts a nationwide survey of all current orthodontic residents for the purpose of collecting, compiling and analyzing information regarding today’s orthodontic resident population.

As in our previous surveys, we ask a variety of questions regarding residents’ anticipated plans after completing their residency program. The survey also inquires about income expectations, geographic locations, total educational debt, and preference of whether they would seek an employment relationship or equity opportunity upon graduation.

We have published a brief sampling of the 2012 Annual Orthodontic Resident Survey’s results in the 4th Quarter edition of the Bentson Clark reSource. We have, in addition, compiled the full results of this year’s survey in booklet form featuring our commentary and a comparison of this year’s data to that of the previous two years. This publication will be available for purchased within the next few weeks. Please check our website and blog for additional information and purchase information.

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