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3 Reasons to Visit Our Team at the AAO

Visit Bentson Copple at the AAO Annual Session
The AAO Annual Session is one of the most highly anticipated events for the orthodontic community each year. There are so many activities, as well as networking and learning opportunities under one roof for doctors, staff and exhibitors. Just like you, we enjoy learning about new trends, advancements and the overall health of the orthodontic industry at the Annual Session. As a company, we use events such as these to increase our knowledge and, in turn, pass along this wisdom to the ortho community in articles, lectures or during our client transactions. There are three reasons you should take note of the events Bentson Copple & Associates are participating in at the AAO Annual Session (April 21 – 25) in San Diego.

    1. Opportunity for Information Sharing

The Annual Session offers many educational lectures and we are honored to share our knowledge in a variety of learning environments. Listed below are a few lectures that you may want to attend:

Practice Transition Seminar
Friday, April 21 – 8:00am – 5:30pm
The all-day Practice Transition Seminar is a tool to aid orthodontists during the challenging time of a career transition. The seminar brings together a four-person panel of transition experts to share insights for orthodontists preparing for a future transition.

Invisalign In-Booth Lecture 
Saturday, April 22 – 12:00pm – 12:50pm
Chris Bentson will be presenting an Invisalign in-booth lecture (Booth #505). The title of the lecture is “No Voodoo – How Invisalign Adds Profit to Your Practice” and its content will offer market data showing that practices are growing their business with Invisalign treatment. Seeking growth and higher profits? This presentation will offer real data and insights about how Invisalign treatment can fit into one’s practice model.

State of the Orthodontic Industry
Sunday, April 23 – 10:30am – 11:30am (Repeat Monday, April 24 – 10:30am – 11:30am)
Results for the solo and small group practice were very strong in 2016, and doctor-owners are looking to build on that in 2017. With many forces pushing and pulling to change the shape of dentistry, Chris Bentson will offer doctor-owners the knowledge to make necessary strategic decisions with present facts regarding the current market.

New Orthodontist/Resident Conference
Sunday, April 23 – 2:30pm – 4:00pm
This program, sponsored by the AAO, with keynote speaker Chris Bentson, will address the steps to follow to pursue specific orthodontic career paths or practice modalities. Following his 40-minute presentation, attendees will break into small groups for discussions. Shannon Patterson, our Director of Practice Opportunities & Orthodontic Placements, and Doug Copple will be two of many leading the discussions.

      1. Networking

Many doctors attend the meeting just for the available networking opportunities. One of the most anticipated networking opportunities is one especially for doctors seeking career opportunities. Our team will be a part of the third annual Orthodontic Career Fair.

Orthodontic Career Fair
Sunday, April 23 – 4:00pm – 5:30pm
The Orthodontic Career Fair offers the opportunity to engage face-to-face with employer representatives and discuss possible opportunities. The event will feature many companies and practices with available opportunities, such as associate positions, equity-minded associate opportunities and practices for sale.

      1. Meet Our Team Face-to-Face

Face-to-face meetings are not just preferable, but necessary for building deeper, stronger bonds with clients and maintaining productive relationships. The Annual Session provides just that. We invite all doctors to stop by the Bentson Copple & Associates Booth (#3537) any time during the Annual Session and speak with us in person. Our team will be happy to discuss plans for a potential practice valuation/appraisal, a practice transition, recruiting or any other change of orthodontic ownership. Residents and job seekers can also learn more about our placement services and career opportunities. Be sure to pick up a complimentary copy of the Bentson Copple reSource newsletter, published for all orthodontists, regardless of practice size or career stage.

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